The OBPS Repository is a secure, permanent, and searchable place for ocean practices. It is a global open access
resource, serving the needs of a broad range of ocean stakeholders. It accepts ocean science and services related 
methodological documents at various levels of development, adoption and maturity; not all are ‘best’ practices’, This
permits new practices to be published, tested, and used. It also enables practices tailored for a regional application to
be accessible to interested users..

The repository invites the ocean science observation and data/information management communities to submit their
own or recommend other practices for the Collection.   A list of Communities sharing their practices can be found HERE  ( 

How do I search for an ocean practice?

Search for an ocean practice here

To learn more about effectively searching the Repository for ocean practices, click on the button ‘Search Tips’ here.

How do I submit an ocean practice?

Register or log in for a free account to submit an ocean practice.

For Content Criteria see the ​OBPS Repository  Content Criteria

See the Guidelines for Depositors for detailed instructions.

View the Frequently Asked Questions for the Repository.

View the Repository metrics